

Which part of Edinburgh do you live in?

What is your Nationality?

What is your first language?

If your language doesn’t appear on the list above please type it here:

Do you have a disability?

What is your ethnic group or background?

What is your religion or belief?

What is your current employment status?

When did you come to Edinburgh?

When did you come to the UK?

What is your immigration status?*

*We require this information as part of our funding criteria to ensure we are offering equal access to our services across the New Scots and migrant community. This information is confidential to The Welcoming team and not shared with third parties.
What services are you most interested in? (Please select as many as you like, for more information click here.)
ESOL – English Classes
Conversation Groups
Friendship Programme
Employment Support
Women’s Groups
Career Advice or Skills Development
Cultural outings and events
Health and Wellbeing
Home Energy Advice
Community Fridge
How would you describe your current level of English?

How did you find out about The Welcoming?
Job Centre
Citizens Advice Bureau
Council website
Saw a poster/flyer in a cafe/hostel/community centre etc.
Referral from outside organisation[Please type the name below]
What organisation told you about The Welcoming?

Have you registered with us before?
If you have registered with us before, what is your old registration number?

* We will store your information securely and will not share your personal details with third parties under any circumstances. Please see our Privacy Notice page on our website. By submitting this form you are consenting for us to hold the information you have provided in this form. If you wish for us to stop holding this information then please get in touch, you can withdraw your consent anytime and ask us to stop holding your information by emailing us at [email protected]. We collect your details to assess your eligibility for the services we offer and for the purposes set out in our Data Protection Policy. We may need to contact you for further information to support your registration as a service user. We will retain your information for monitoring, analysis and targeting, and may contact you, by letter, email and telephone, in the future to get your feedback on our services.